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Lion Environmental

Management of Hazardous Chemicals in Industrial Operations

Those chemicals that are identified as hazardous must be assessed and proper handling procedures in the workplace identified. Lion can work with you to determine risk, storage, and handling requirements for these materials. Working together we will help you institute risk control measures that will address fire & explosion hazards, mitigation of corrosion & danger of  hazardous reactions, and safe and proper handling procedures. What is required when hazardous chemicals are used in industrial operations is first to identify their presence and then how to safely manage them within the regulatory requirements. Lion’s professionals have extensive experience working across various industries to the needs of your operation.


In partnership with our clients, we can meet the obligations for the storage of hazardous chemicals, their transportation, and proper management. The goal is to create a clear understanding of the potential risks to workers, the community, and to the environment. Lion can help you put in place administrative controls to make your workplace safer and help in the selection of the proper PPE when there is no alternative to potential exposures.


Lion helps business meet obligations under the law and keep you up to date with worker health and safety legislation and best practices. Lion can help you develop a management system designed to work in conjunction with the legal obligation to train staff.  This will include contingency plans in the event of emergencies. Lion’s designed management plans will meet corporate, national, and international standards. We can also audit your existing programs with the aim to bring them up to speed. We make recommendations that are practical, efficient, and protective.


Lion emphasizes straightforward methods that meet reporting requirements and guidelines set forth by ELDIOM (PL: Elektroniczna Deklaracja Informacji o Mieszaninach) and the ECHA (European Chemical Agency) submissions. Your reporting standards will be clear, and concise, and explain findings in simple, logical, and understandable terms. Interested in these services? Give us the opportunity to present our experience and show how we can help.