With our Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy, we have set cornerstones for our sustainable growth ambitions and contribution to the challenges of our time. Our focus lies in four main areas of impact: Empowered People, Climate Action and Circularity, Partner to Clients and Society and Responsible Business Practices.
We identified, refined and assessed potential environmental, social and governance topics to guide the development of our ESG strategies for our clients. Having a deep understanding of the ESG topics that matter most to our clients, our people and to us as an organization is a prerequisite to deliver sustainable value to all stakeholders. We consolidated the results of this meticulous process, our material topics, in our four areas of impact and made them tangible in our matrix.
As sustainable consultants, our biggest potential to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions lies in supporting our clients. Still, we want to lead by example. Therefore, we have joined the Science-based Targets Initiative and set ourselves science-based targets to reduce our own greenhouse gas emissions, covering scopes 1, 2 & 3. We are tracking our GHG footprint annually to make sure we are in line with the Paris Agreement and have implemented various initiatives to reduce our emissions. Reducing electricity, heating and cooling consumption where possible is crucial to our commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and for the transition into a low-carbon economy. Because most of our emissions are linked to how we behave, we are encouraging our employees to make sustainability a part of their day-to-day lives. In a circular economy, waste is not waste, but valuable resources for new products. We aspire to create systems for the circular management of all material things at the workplace and beyond. This requires bringing in a circular mindset in every project we touch. Moreover, circularity addresses how everyday business activities at Lion Environmental have an impact on our ecosystems and biodiversity.
Our people and culture are at the core of what makes us successful. We are creating a workplace, where everyone is engaged and can bring one's full self to work. We promote entrepreneurship and commit to flexibility, fostering an environment for individual growth in a safe and respectful space. Personal interests, activities and family live are seen as adding value. We want to be an attractive employer throughout the career of our talents and offer far more than a competitive salary and a steep learning curve.
We believe that as strategy consultants we have an active role to play. The big idea that drives us is to help organizations, by providing entrepreneurial and responsible solutions with our diverse teams of authentic personalities, leveraging our deep industry and functional expertise. In our fast-changing world, developing new expertise and skills is crucial to provide our clients with the best service possible. Personal development is necessary when offering career paths for every employee. We treat diversity, equity and inclusion as a way of life. We promote diversity of gender, race, religion, disability, age, sexual preference, socio-economic and educational backgrounds in our work environments and strive to maximize opportunities for everyone while being aware of any kind of bias. We believe that the meeting of different cultures and different perspectives within our company enriches us. This is why we commit to ensuring our firm as an inclusive, meritocratic world that celebrates the richness our differences bring. As a company, Lion Environmental constantly strives to attract the best available talent in the market to support our clients with the best team. We strive to bring in people that are authentic, have diverse backgrounds, a sustainable spirit and bring strategy into reality.
At Lion Environmental, while serving our clients, we are building positive futures for them, the communities they operate in and at the same time create a benefit for the stakeholders. At the confluence of clients and society is our commitment to sustainability. Lion Environmental helps clients to identify where and how their businesses are most impacted by environmental developments, facilitating their decision-making on an individual.
We aim to provide our clients with the best we can offer as a firm, as excellent and ESG people. Through a combination of in-depth expertise, comprehensive analysis and pragmatic solutions, we implement strategies that achieve the highest possible impact at our clients. As a firm and as individuals, we are a part of the communities to which our business connects us. Thus, we believe that we have social, cultural and environmental responsibilities beyond our core business, and they are invested in creating positive value for the societies around us. Therefore, we ourselves cherish and implement these values everyday for ourselves and our clients into our core business.
High standards guide us in all the decisions we make. We lead by example and strive to live up to the expectations of stakeholders, the public, governmental entities and society. This includes making ethical decisions regarding social, environmental and governance standards in procurement. We are strongly committed to protecting the information and privacy of our clients, employees, business partners, suppliers and other stakeholders. Lion Environmental bears the responsibility of handling data carefully and in accordance with applicable laws. To ensure utmost security in all our electronic communications, our information and communication equipment – IT infrastructure, hard- and software – fulfils highest security and technology standards. Lion Environmental has a dedicated compliance system that integrates compliance with external regulations as well as with internal rules and procedures.
We are committed to upholding policies and procedures to ensure continued compliance with laws and regulations. Lion Environmental commits to always being truthful and work responsibly. Our employees are trained in anti-corruption practices and are expected to adhere to their high moral principles. We strive to achieve excellent results and develop global best practices to ensure both measurable and sustainable success. Our goal is excellence in our work with clients and in the way we develop our knowledge. We are committing to make our sustainability activities transparent by reporting our sustainability performances.
Lion Environmental is an independent ESG consultancy created by people that want to make a difference. Our founders have been successful directors, project managers and consultants in prestigious environmental consulting corporations.
Lion Environmental Sp. z o.o.
Ratuszowa 11
03-450 Warsaw
Phone: +48 881 331 080
Phone: +48 510 141 063
NIP: 1133011227
Regon: 385612236